Thanx made it a really smooth transition. We are thankful that there’s one less thing to think about when it comes to technology partners.
Whether you’re coming from Punchh, Paytronix, SpendGo, Incentivio, or another provider, Thanx makes it easy to transition your existing customers and accelerate the enrollment of new ones.
More about transitioning loyaltyOur smooth transition to Thanx was essential in maintaining trust and loyalty among our customers. It demonstrates our commitment to improving their experience continuously.
Anita Walker
CMO, Fox Restaurant Concepts
Thanx was able to transfer all of our previous program data while our loyalty members’ accounts were updated seamlessly. The Thanx implementation team was there every step of the way to guide us to a successful launch and continues to advise us on best practices for our program.
Rob Ertmann
CEO, Mo’ Bettahs
With 90 days on average to launch, we work as fast as your team needs and execute on your timeline.
Thanx provides technical expertise, design guidance, best practices, strategy, and training to make sure your program is successful.