Best-in-class loyalty transition

Whether you’re coming from Punchh, Paytronix, SpendGo, Incentivio, or another provider, Thanx makes it easy to transition your existing customers and accelerate the enrollment of new ones.

More about transitioning loyalty

Our smooth transition to Thanx was essential in maintaining trust and loyalty among our customers. It demonstrates our commitment to improving their experience continuously.

Anita Walker
CMO, Fox Restaurant Concepts

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Flower Child loyalty program stats from Thanx

Thanx was able to transfer all of our previous program data while our loyalty members’ accounts were updated seamlessly. The Thanx implementation team was there every step of the way to guide us to a successful launch and continues to advise us on best practices for our program.

Rob Ertmann
CEO, Mo’ Bettahs

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Mo'Bettahs loyalty program stats from Thanx

Transition your loyalty program exactly as it is, or work with our team to change it up

  • Thanx imports your existing loyalty membership data.
  • Existing benefits are mapped as desired to your new program in Thanx.
  • Our team provides best practices and examples of how to communicate prior to and during your launch.
  • Your existing app is updated to the new app at launch.
  • The app guides existing customers to sign in with their loyalty email address and claim their account. Customers immediately have access to transitioned benefits.
  • Thanx monitors and supports the transition to ensure success.
Stylized screenshot of the Comer app, highlighting that the loyalty accounts transfer automatically when switching to Thanx
Thanx made it a really smooth transition. We are thankful that there’s one less thing to think about when it comes to technology partners.


Alexia Peters, VP of Marketing

Speedy implementation

With 90 days on average to launch, we work as fast as your team needs and execute on your timeline.

We not only want to win the award for fastest launch but also: Most revenue driving customer in the Thanx world. Overall, we made the right decision with Thanx.

Big Chicken

Josh Halpern, CEO

Experts that guide every step of the way

Thanx provides technical expertise, design guidance, best practices, strategy, and training to make sure your program is successful.

  • With 400+ implementations under our belt, our tried and tested implementation process offers clearly defined timelines, roles and responsibilities, documentation, and templates.
  • A single end-to-end expert for the entire implementation process with a single point of contact to direct all communications with the broader Thanx team.
  • Dedicated loyalty strategy meeting with a customer success manager to ensure your program is tailored to your loyalty goals and aspirations.
  • Dedicated campaign strategy meeting with a customer success manager to determine your launch and ongoing campaign plan.
  • Design guidance and best practices for consumer experiences, plus initial design mockups by a Thanx designer.
  • Thanx-led training sessions for your team, your super users and your GMs.
  • Thanx-lead QA of the customer UX and testing plans for merchant-lead QA.
Abstract representation of the guided Thanx onboarding and launch process